I'm trying to come up with a script that presents the user with a simple dialog box with three options: "Yes", "No" and "Cancel". Based on the user's input the script then produces two different kinds of pdfs (Special Report / Online PDF) or exits the process (in case they clicked "Cancel"). This is what I've come up with so far. Although I'm able to capture the user's click, I can't get the right script to run based on the user's choice:
function checkReportType(){
//draw window
var askReportWindow = new Window("dialog", "Report Type");
askReportWindow.textmissing = askReportWindow.add('statictext{text:"Is this a Special Report?", justify:"center"}');
var myInputGroup = askReportWindow.add("group");
var myButtonGroup = askReportWindow.add("group");
myButtonGroup.alignment = "right";
//add buttons
var yesButton = myButtonGroup.add("button", undefined, "Yes");
var noButton= myButtonGroup.add("button", undefined, "No");
var cancelButton = myButtonGroup.add("button", undefined, "Cancel");
//setting values to false for "yes" and "no" buttons
var yesClicked = false;
var noClicked = false;
//change button value on click
yesButton.onClick = function(){
yesClicked = true;
noButton.onClick = function(){
noClicked = true;
//show window
//check for click
}else if(noClicked===true){
}//end checkReportType()
function main() {
var w = new Window ( "dialog", "Please choose to do something…" ),
noBtn = w.add('button', u, 'NO' ),
outBtn = w.add('button', u, 'CANCEL' ),
yesBtn = w.add('button', u, 'YES' );
noBtn.code = 0;
outBtn.code = 1;
yesBtn.code = 2;
w.preferredSize.width = 150;
w.alignChildren = ["fill", "top"];
noBtn.onClick = outBtn.onClick = yesBtn.onClick = function() {
var result = w.show();
if ( result == 0 ) {
alert( "user clicked \"NO\"" );
else if ( result == 1 ) {
alert( "user clicked \"CANCEL\"" );
else {
alert( "user clicked \"YES\"" );