I have a function that auto corrects a string. It corrects misspelled words as expected. This issue I'm facing is that it will not correct an American spelled word into it's British equivalent.
$pspell = pspell_new('en','british','','utf-8',PSPELL_FAST);
function spellCheckWord($word) {
global $pspell;
$autocorrect = TRUE;
// Take the string match from preg_replace_callback's array
$word = $word[0];
// Ignore ALL CAPS
if (preg_match('/^[A-Z]*$/',$word)) return $word;
// Return dictionary words
if (pspell_check($pspell,$word))
return $word;
// Auto-correct with the first suggestion
if ($autocorrect && $suggestions = pspell_suggest($pspell,$word))
return current($suggestions);
// No suggestions
return $word;
function spellCheck($string) {
return preg_replace_callback('/\b\w+\b/','spellCheckWord',$string);
echo spellCheck('This is a color.');
The above example does not detect a spelling error. How can I get it to change color
to colour
and the same for words such as favorite
to favourite
Looking at the official documentation for the pspell_new()
method - there's a comment regarding differing values for the "spelling" parameter - which is used to set which version of a language is used;
I think the language and spelling parameters differs on different PHP versions and/or aspell/UNIX distributions.
My PHP 5.2.6 Debian ignores the spelling parameter.
For Americans use en_US as language. For British use en_GB (not en_UK) For Canadian use en_CA
It looks as if this value could change depending on your server configuration.