
Using Laravel 5.4 in PhpStorm

Am trying to configure my PhpStorm to use Laravel 5.4 but don't know how to go about it. I have composer installed globally. And this are the steps I have already taken.

1.Go to Settings -> Languages & Frameworks -> PHP -> Composer Set the composer.phar path to C:\ProgramData\ComposerSetup\bin\composer.phar

but am unable to locate the PATH to COMPOSER.JSON.

Who can give me the steps to configuring Laravel in PhpStorm.

Am using XAMPP


  • Reinstall composer and check that the PHP path is correct, if you run composer in the terminal you should see this do something, if not it is not installed correctly, similarly if you run php -v this will show the PHP version.

    In your Laravel directory there should be a composer.json file, if not run composer init to create one