
Scala, Sangria and Scalatra

We have a Scala application using Scalatra ( as our web framework. I'm wondering if there are any good (or just any) resources out there on how to implement a GraphQL endpoint using Sangria ( and Scalatra?

I'm new to Scala and would appreciate any help to get started on this.


  • There aren't any that I know of but since Scalatra uses json4s you would use sangria's json4s marshaller .

    Otherwise, if sangria could be clearer to you, here's a scala worksheet with a very simplistic example based off play + sangria - in this case you would just need to swap the json library.

    The db is mocked (perhaps you use Slick?) and the http server as well but it's a simple case of swapping in the function definitions.

    import sangria.ast.Document
    import sangria.execution.{ErrorWithResolver, Executor, QueryAnalysisError}
    import sangria.macros.derive.{ObjectTypeDescription, ObjectTypeName, deriveObjectType}
    import sangria.parser.{QueryParser, SyntaxError}
    import sangria.renderer.SchemaRenderer
    import sangria.schema.{Argument, Field, IntType, ListType, ObjectType, OptionInputType, Schema, fields}
    import scala.concurrent.Await
    import scala.concurrent.duration._
    import scala.concurrent.Future
    import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
    // replace with another json lib
    // eg
    import play.api.libs.json._
    import sangria.marshalling.playJson._
    case class User(name: String, age: Int, phone: Option[String])
    class FakeDb {
      class UsersTable {
        def getUsers(limit: Int): List[User] = {
          // this would come from the db
            User("john smith", 23, None),
            User("Anne Schwazenbach", 45, Some("2134556"))
      val usersRepo = new UsersTable
    object MySchema {
      val limitArg: Argument[Int] = Argument("first", OptionInputType(IntType),
        description = s"Returns the first n elements from the list.",
        defaultValue = 10)
      implicit val UsersType: ObjectType[FakeDb, User] = {
        deriveObjectType[FakeDb, User](
          ObjectTypeDescription("Users in the system")
      private val Query: ObjectType[FakeDb, Unit] = ObjectType[FakeDb, Unit](
        "Query", fields[FakeDb, Unit](
          Field("users", ListType(UsersType),
            arguments = limitArg :: Nil,
            resolve = c => c.ctx.usersRepo.getUsers(c.arg(limitArg))
      val theSchema: Schema[FakeDb, Unit] = Schema(Query)
    object HttpServer {
      def get(): String = {
        // Http GET  
      def post(query: String): Future[JsValue] = {
        // Http POST
        val variables = None
        val operation = None
        QueryParser.parse(query) match {
          case Success(q) => executeQuery(q, variables, operation)
          case Failure(error: SyntaxError) => Future.successful(Json.obj("error" -> error.getMessage))
          case Failure(error: Throwable) => Future.successful(Json.obj("error" -> error.getMessage))
      private def executeQuery(queryAst: Document, vars: Option[JsValue], operation: Option[String]): Future[JsValue] = {
        val schema: Schema[FakeDb, Unit] = MySchema.theSchema
        Executor.execute[FakeDb, Unit, JsValue](schema, queryAst, new FakeDb,
          operationName = operation,
          .map((d: JsValue) => d)
          .recover {
            case error: QueryAnalysisError ⇒ Json.obj("error" -> error.getMessage)
            case error: ErrorWithResolver ⇒ Json.obj("error" -> error.getMessage)
    val myquery = """
        users {
    val res: JsValue = Await.result(, 10.seconds)