I am new to Spring Data Rest and looks like exactly I want to use to easily expose some existing database tables as restful services. I have managed to get an example working by following this guide. This works but how would I display all rows ordered by a creation date field by default?
I tried adding a findAllByOrderByCreationdateDesc() method which appears as a new search method through the REST interface but I would ideally like to do this by default when all items are displayed.
Any pointers would be great.
You can try to override the findAll()
method in you repository interface:
public interface UserRepo extends JpaRepository<User, Long> {
@Query("select u from User u order by u.name asc")
Page<User> findAll(Pageable pageable);
But in this case you will lose the ability to use arbitrary sorting (for example: /users?sort=name,desc
And you will have
unnecessary search resource link /users/search/findAll{?page,size,sort}