We have some code which is generating a data filled PDF (fdf) file from an excel spreadsheet which is then being sent to docusign in our test environment.
Some of these work, and some come back with an error "PDF_VALIDATION_FAILED".
We have narrowed it down to the PDF document itself, and have watered down the original template to contain just four fields. We have watered down our excel spreadsheet to four basic fields using (for example) "a,1,a,2" for one input and "aa,1,a,2" as another, however one will consistently work and one will consistently fail.
Viewing the generated PDF's in a local PDF viewer (Adobe and PDF XChange Editor) the document appears fine, viewing the documents side by side in a hex/diff editor (WinMerge) shows minor differences in the streams being sent (as expected).
Is there any documentation on what validation is being performed on the PDF so we can emulate this locally and make sure our PDF's are valid before sending to the docusign API?
I am able to successfully create an envelope with the Documents you have provided.
See here for the complete CreateEnvelope request that I have used
I have used these documents that you have provided