
Postgred pg_notify/listen only working if channel name is lower case

I've read and the channel name is just described as an 'identifier'.

I'm using NodeJS and pg to access postgres.

If I use a lower case word in both, e.g. pg_notify('foo', ... and LISTEN foo it works. I've tested all combinations:

pg_notify  LISTEN  outcome
lower      lower   works
lower      upper   works
upper      lower   fails
upper      upper   fails

Is this a bug, or is it a logical result of being an 'identifier'? (If so, should this be documented on pg_notify page?)


  • confusion comes from quotes. single quotes are used for a string, double are used for identifier and can be skipped to none if you don't use mixed case/start from number/ or other tricks.

    when you run pg_notify function you pass 'foo' as a string argument and thus use single quotes, when you run NOTIFY "Virtual" you use Virtual as channel name - an identifier, so you need to use " here.

    So as you answered yourself, changing

    client.query("LISTEN 'Virtual'"); 


    client.query('LISTEN "Virtual"');

    fixes an issue