
Not printing anything after for loop in a batch script

Below is my batch script which is not executing the line after for loop end. It's not print echo end or the line after that. The line asciidoctor-pdf C:\Users\abc\Conversion_to_PDF\OutputFiles\*.adoc is causing it. But I am not sure with what the problem is.

@echo off

echo # Starting job

java -jar C:\Users\abc\Conversion_to_PDF\swagger2markup-cli-1.3.1.jar convert -i C:\Users\abc\Conversion_to_PDF\HIP-ProviderManagement-1.0.0-swagger.json -d C:\Users\abc\Conversion_to_PDF\OutputFiles

chdir /d C:\Users\abc\Conversion_to_PDF\OutputFiles

for %%A in (*.adoc) do (
asciidoctor-pdf C:\Users\abc\Conversion_to_PDF\OutputFiles\*.adoc
echo %%A
echo # end
C:\Users\abc\Downloads\sejda-console-3.2.3\bin\sejda-console merge -f C:\Users\abc\Conversion_to_PDF\OutputFiles\*.pdf -o C:\Users\abc\Conversion_to_PDF\OutputFiles\merged.pdf


  • You need

    call asciidoctor-pdf ....

    since asciidoctor-pdf is a batch file. The call means "execute this, then return to the next statement". Without the call, it means "go to this batchfile" and it is not told to return to the original (the "caller")