
The correct way to annotate a "file type" in Python

In modern versions of Python one can have static type analysis using function annotations, according to PEP 484. This is made easy through the typing module.

Now I'm wondering how I would give a "type hint" towards a "filestream".

def myfunction(file: FILETYPE):

with open(fname) as file:

What would I insert as FILETYPE?

Using print(type(file)) returns <class '_io.TextIOWrapper'> which isn't clear at all.

Isn't there a generic "file" type?


  • You can use typing.IO, typing.TextIO, and typing.BinaryIO to represent different types of I/O streams. To quote the documentation:

    сlass typing.IO
    class typing.TextIO
    class typing.BinaryIO

    Generic type IO[AnyStr] and its subclasses TextIO(IO[str]) and BinaryIO(IO[bytes]) represent the types of I/O streams such as returned by open().