
Is Oracle Instant Client an actual database?

I want to create a small dev database just to use for developing my application. I've downloaded the Oracle Instant client and followed the directions to "install" (ie, copy/paste and set up some environment variables), but I can't find any information on how to connect, login, create database, etc, or even exactly what Instant Client is, specifically. So, a few specific questions:

  1. Is Instant client just a set of drivers and components that allow you to connect to an existing database, or can you use Instant Client to create and administer a completely new database?

If it CAN be used to create a new database:

  1. How do you "start" (or similar concept) the database so that it is ready for connections.
  2. Because there is no installation, and no default configuration, I haven't set up a default schema, port, etc. So, what is the default connection information to connect to the database for the first time? For example, I use SQL Developer to connect to and administer my remote database, so how could I connect to Instant Client from SQL Developer?


  • The client is JUST a client.

    You'll want to download the Oracle Database installs. The easiest would be the XE (Express Edition) - it's free, and gets going on windows or linux pretty quick.

    You'll then install the server software and THEN create a database. Then you can use your client to connect to said database. You can use your client now to connect to any Oracle database running on any server that you can see on your network.

    There are more alternatives.

    I talk about this in more detail here.