
Why MPMoviePlayerController fullscreen button icon change to caption icon in iOS 10?

I try to use MPMoviePlayerController as embedded video player but I spot a problem where the fullscreen icon were changed in iOS 10?

Is there any solution to change it back to original fullscreen button ?

Thank you,

This is what it look like in iOS 8 and iOS 9:

This is what it look like in iOS 8 and iOS 9

This is what it look like in iOS 10:

This is what it look like in iOS 10


  • Here is some code to workaround that iOS 10 bug which you can write in a WorkaroundInlinePlayerFullScreenButtonBug.m file:

    @import MediaPlayer;
    @import ObjectiveC;
    static void (*configureAuxiliaryButtonsIMP)(id, SEL, BOOL);
    static void ConfigureAuxiliaryButtons(id self, SEL _cmd, BOOL flag)
        configureAuxiliaryButtonsIMP(self, _cmd, flag);
            id delegate = [self delegate]; // Either nil or MPInlineVideoController (responds to `isFullscreen`) or MPInlineVideoFullscreenViewController (does not respond to `isFullscreen`)
            BOOL isFullscreen = [delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(isFullscreen)] ? [delegate isFullscreen] : YES;
            NSString *imageName = [@[ @"Video", @"Player", @"_", isFullscreen ? @"Exit" : @"Enter", @"Fullscreen" ] componentsJoinedByString:@""];
            SEL imageNamedForControlState = NSSelectorFromString([@[ @"_", @"image", @"Named", @":", @"for", @"Control", @"State", @":" ] componentsJoinedByString:@""]);
            UIImage *normalImage = ((UIImage *(*)(id, SEL, NSString *, UIControlState))objc_msgSend)(self, imageNamedForControlState, imageName, UIControlStateNormal);
            UIImage *highlightedImage = ((UIImage *(*)(id, SEL, NSString *, UIControlState))objc_msgSend)(self, imageNamedForControlState, imageName, UIControlStateHighlighted);
            UIButton *fullscreenButton = [self valueForKey:[@[ @"fullscreen", @"Button" ] componentsJoinedByString:@""]];
            [fullscreenButton setImage:normalImage forState:UIControlStateNormal];
            [fullscreenButton setImage:highlightedImage forState:UIControlStateHighlighted];
        @catch (NSException *exception)
            NSLog(@"Failed to workaround inline player fullscreen button bug: %@", exception);
    void WorkaroundInlinePlayerFullScreenButtonBug(void)
        if (![NSProcessInfo.processInfo isOperatingSystemAtLeastVersion:(NSOperatingSystemVersion){10, 0, 0}])
        Class MPVideoPlaybackOverlayView = NSClassFromString([@[ @"M", @"P", @"Video", @"Playback", @"Overlay", @"View" ] componentsJoinedByString:@""]);
        SEL configureAuxiliaryButtonsSEL = NSSelectorFromString([@[ @"_", @"configure", @"Auxiliary", @"Buttons", @":" ] componentsJoinedByString:@""]);
        NSMethodSignature *methodSignature = [MPVideoPlaybackOverlayView instanceMethodSignatureForSelector:configureAuxiliaryButtonsSEL];
        if (methodSignature.numberOfArguments != 3)
            NSLog(@"Failed to workaround inline player fullscreen button bug (method not found)");
        const char *returnType = methodSignature.methodReturnType;
        const char *argType = [methodSignature getArgumentTypeAtIndex:2];
        if (strcmp(returnType, @encode(void)) != 0 || strcmp(argType, @encode(BOOL)) != 0)
            NSLog(@"Failed to workaround inline player fullscreen button bug (type mismatch)");
        Method configureAuxiliaryButtons = class_getInstanceMethod(MPVideoPlaybackOverlayView, configureAuxiliaryButtonsSEL);
        configureAuxiliaryButtonsIMP = (__typeof__(configureAuxiliaryButtonsIMP))method_getImplementation(configureAuxiliaryButtons);
        method_setImplementation(configureAuxiliaryButtons, (IMP)ConfigureAuxiliaryButtons);

    Then update your main.m file to call the WorkaroundInlinePlayerFullScreenButtonBug function before running the UIApplicationMain function:

    #import "AppDelegate.h"
    extern void WorkaroundInlinePlayerFullScreenButtonBug(void);
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
            return UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, NSStringFromClass([AppDelegate class]));