Two steps forward, one step back. The last weeks I've run into a few issues that I could not solve on my own as a self tought user with 1 year experience in R, but fortunatly there are great people on this site that have helped me a lot! First of all, thanks for that guys.
Seems now that we have found a way to get scatter3d plots into the Shiny App i'm building, and get the left mouse button to work (see my previous questions) I've now come across a bug that I don't understand.
The bug says this: the leading minor of order 3 is not positive definite after a while of puzzling, I found out that it is inside the ellipsoid argument of scatter3d.
running this works fine:
colors <- rep("grey", 25) ### dummy palette of all greys
groups <- as.factor(rep(1:25,2)) ### make 5 categories
cars$time <- cars$dist/cars$speed
ui <- fluidPage(
hr("how do we get the plot inside this app window rather than in a popup?"),
rglwidgetOutput("plot", width = 800, height = 600)
server <- (function(input, output) {
output$plot <- renderRglwidget({
scatter3d(x=cars$speed, y=cars$dist, z=cars$time, surface=FALSE, ellipsoid = FALSE, groups = groups, surface.col = colors)
par3d(mouseMode = "trackball")
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Switching to ellipsoid = TRUE gives the error and nothing renders in shiny
Running the graph without shiny by just running these lines:
scatter3d(x=cars$speed, y=cars$dist, z=cars$time, surface=FALSE, ellipsoid = TRUE, groups = groups, surface.col = colors)
works as in that it renders inside the rgl window, but still prints the error of course.
changing the number of groups to less than 14 seems to solve it:
groups <- as.factor(rep(1:13,5))
groups <- groups[1:50]
gives no error.
groups <- as.factor(rep(1:14,5))
groups <- groups[1:50]
gives the error..... very strange.
At first I thought it might be linked to the build in nr of colors of scatter3d because up to 8 groups, it colors things automatically without specifying surface.col. As soon as you have 9 groups, you need to give it a palette yourself, but this nr 13 cutoff seems rather awkward....
Your problem is you simply do not have enough data. This is causing it to try and calculate an ellipsoid when it does not have enough points (needs at least 3 per group I imagine). The error message could obviously be better, but it is not wrong, it refers to what is going wrong in the calculation.
I created a parameterized ncars
that is just a bigger re-sampling of your original data, so it ought to look similar.
Here it is:
makebigcars <- function(n){
newspeed <- sample(cars$speed,n,replace=T)
newdist <- sample(cars$dist,n,replace=T)
bigcars <- data.frame(speed=newspeed,dist=newdist)
bigcars$time = bigcars$dist/bigcars$speed
ncars <- makebigcars(150)
n <- nrow(ncars)
colors <- rep("grey", n) ### dummy palette of all greys
groups <- as.factor(rep(1:5,n))[1:n] ## groups
ui <- fluidPage(
rglwidgetOutput("plot", width = 800, height = 600)
server <- (function(input, output) {
output$plot <- renderRglwidget({
scatter3d(x=ncars$speed, y=ncars$dist, z=ncars$time, surface=FALSE,
ellipsoid = T, groups = groups, surface.col = colors)
par3d(mouseMode = "trackball")
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
and here is a plot: