
Change font of UIPrintInteractionController

I have a UIPrintInteractionController that is created programatically. It is set to pull a pdf from my servers, and print said pdf. My question is how can I change the font of the view. I already have set the navbar font in my app delegate (so the font appears on all views), but this doesn't apply to the view. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!


  • I figured it out. Create an extension of UILabel like so

    extension UILabel {
        var substituteFontName : String {
            get { return self.font.fontName }
            set { self.font = UIFont(name: newValue, size: self.font.pointSize) }

    The in AppDelegate.swift, use this extension to change the font of every label in the entire application, INCLUDING the UIPrinterInteractionController.

    UILabel.appearance().substituteFontName = "Font Name Here"

    Killed two birds with one stone.