Hej, I was writing my programs on emu8086, and I used it for debugging. However now I need to use floating points, FPU and emu8086 doesn't support them. I need an easy way to see what is in certain place of memory. For example visualise: "dzielna", "dzielnik", the content of register such as ax, bx,.. ; and what is in st(0), st(1) etc. Shall you recommend me a good program to visualise it?
dane1 segment
dzielna dd 1.3
dzielnik dd 6.7
dane1 ends
assume cs:code1, ss:stos1, ds:dane1
stos1 segment stack
dw 400 dup(?)
top1 dw ?
stos1 ends
code1 segment
start1: mov ax,seg top1
mov ss,ax
mov sp,offset top1
mov ax,dane1
mov ds,ax
fld dword ptr [dzielna]
fld dword ptr [dzielnik]
fsub st(0),st(1)
fstp dword ptr [dzielna]
mov ah,4ch
int 21h
code1 ends
end start1
The program to visualise it is called a debugger. Since you are running in DosBox you need one that can be run there.
If you can get your hands on Turbo Assembler - it has a debugger TD.exe
OpenWatcom also has a debugger that can be run in DosBox
and both allows you to show the FPU registers.