I'm using Webpack to bundle AngularJS with Typescript (with the default setup suggested here) and I cannot include modules that do not have default exports, such as ui-bootstrap. Modules such as ui-router do not have such problem since their typings mention a default export.
JS code works:
import * as angular from 'angular';
import router from 'angular-ui-router';
import uibootstrap from 'angular-ui-bootstrap';
angular.module('app', [uirouter, uibootstrap]);
However the same code in Typescript (target: es6, module: es6, all settings same as those mentioned in webpack guide) drops error:
Module "node_modules/@types/angular-ui-bootstrap/index" has no default export.
Using angular.module('app', [uirouter, 'ui.bootstrap']);
instead throws a 'ui.bootstrap' not found error.
It seems using a simple import 'angular-ui-router'