I need to make this animation in a vertical ViewPager
this what i tried so far :
viewPager = (VerticalViewPager) rootView.findViewById(R.id.viewpager);
viewPager.setPageTransformer(false, new ViewPager.PageTransformer() {
public void transformPage(View page, float position) {
if (position >= 0.5F && position <= 1F) {
float progressStart = 0.5f;
float progressEnd = 1f;
float progressDelta = progressEnd - progressStart;
float progress = (position - progressStart)/progressDelta;
float endValue = 1f;
float startValue = 0.8f;
float delta = endValue - startValue;
progress = 1-progress;
float currentScale = startValue + delta*progress;
ViewCompat.setScaleX(page, currentScale);
ViewCompat.setScaleY(page, 0.9F);
ViewCompat.setTranslationY(page, 0);
} else {
ViewCompat.setScaleX(page, 1.0F); //- width
ViewCompat.setScaleY(page, 0.9F); //- height
this is the result:
I'm using a Copy of original ViewPager with vertical orientation, to see the code : https://github.com/Devlight/InfiniteCycleViewPager/blob/master/infinitecycleviewpager/src/main/java/com/gigamole/infinitecycleviewpager/VerticalViewPager.java
Obviously its not even close, i need to have a preview of the next page and make the two pages closer .
Please help
Thank you.
i need to have a preview of the next page
you have to add
to your <com.gigamole.infinitecycleviewpager.VerticalViewPager
in layout
in your java code put it, of course you should tweak startTranslation
and startValue
and paddingBottom
in your layout
viewPager.setPageTransformer(true, new ViewPager.PageTransformer() {
public void transformPage(View page, float position) {
float endTranslation = 0f;
float startTranslation = -400f;
float deltaTranslation = endTranslation - startTranslation;
float endScale = 1f;
float startScale = 0.8f;
float deltaScale = endScale - startScale;
float progressStart = 0.5f;
float progressEnd = 1f;
float progressDelta = progressEnd - progressStart;
float progress = (position - progressStart)/progressDelta;
progress = 1-progress;
float currentScale = startScale + deltaScale*progress;
ViewCompat.setScaleX(page, currentScale);
ViewCompat.setScaleY(page, currentScale);
float currentTranslation = startTranslation + deltaTranslation*progress;
ViewCompat.setTranslationY(page, currentTranslation);