I'm running into the below compile error:
• Couldn't match type ‘BaseBackend backend0’ with ‘SqlBackend’
arising from a use of ‘runSqlite’
The type variable ‘backend0’ is ambiguous
• In the expression: runSqlite ":memory:"
In the expression:
runSqlite ":memory:"
$ do { records <- selectList [UserUsername ==. "abc"] [LimitTo 10];
liftIO $ print (records :: [Entity User]) }
In an equation for ‘selectAll’:
= runSqlite ":memory:"
$ do { records <- selectList [UserUsername ==. "abc"] [LimitTo 10];
liftIO $ print (records :: [Entity User]) }
selectAll :: IO ()
selectAll = runSqlite ":memory:" $ do
records <- selectList [UserUsername ==. "abc"] [LimitTo 10]
liftIO $ print (records :: [Entity User])
Having a look at the type signature of runSqlite:
:: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m, IsSqlBackend backend)
=> Text
-> ReaderT backend (NoLoggingT (ResourceT m)) a
-> m a
I would assume I need to specify an explicit type for runSqlite, though I'm not too sure what I set for backend
in ReaderT backend (NoLoggingT (ResourceT m)) a
You can specialize it at SqlBackend
asSqlBackendReader :: ReaderT SqlBackend m a -> ReaderT SqlBackend m a
asSqlBackendReader = id
selectAll :: IO ()
selectAll = runSqlite ":memory:" . asSqlBackendReader $ do
records <- selectList [UserUsername ==. "abc"] [LimitTo 10]
liftIO $ print (records :: [Entity User])
Looking at the type of runSqlite
, there is a IsSqlBackend backend
constraint to satisfy.
The definition of IsSqlBackend
type IsSqlBackend backend =
(IsPersistBackend backend, BaseBackend backend ~ SqlBackend)
Then look up IsPersistBackend
Just below the definition of the class, we see that it has three instances:
instance IsPersistBackend SqlWriteBackend
instance IsPersistBackend SqlReadBackend
instance IsPersistBackend SqlBackend
The three types specify backends with various capabilities, with SqlBackend
being the most general one (unknown capabilities). Feel free to use a more restricted one if that's all you need.