
PrettyPhoto not working on server

I have uploaded my page to me server and I get this error "Image cannot be loaded. Make sure the path is correct and image exist." I have checked all the links and made sure they are correct. The images do exist. Plus when I do preview in safari with dreamweaver it works perfect. Something has happened between dreamweaver and the server somehow. Any ideas? Here is the link to the page

Thanks in advance!


  • Either your path to the folder "sat" is wrong or your image names are incorrect. Large images should be in a path like this images/sat/Alina%20Cerys%20Rutschky_012.JPG. You should make sure that the folder "sat" is in your "images" folder. I also think that the spaces, %20, are a possible reason. Eliminate the spaces in your image names to be sure and use ".jpg", not ".JPG".