
Jenkins Gerrit-Trigger not reporting +1 verified after successful job run

I'm currently attempting to issue a "+1 Verified" using the Jenkins Gerrit-Trigger, but some reason the +1 is failing.

The permissions seem to be in order as the plugin is successfully able to issue "-1 Verified" and "Build Started" comments to the relevant Gerrit changeset.

When the job is successful the "+1 Verified" never materialises. Checking the Jenkins logs show that the last entry relevant to the job is showing a 403 response error:

The Jenkins logs also show the same request: run
SEVERE: Gerrit response: Forbidden

Gerrit also picks up on the request and the 403 response:

"POST /a/changes/tdmdev~develop~Id917dda3449bf9af738ad7f122adaecba70004bd/revisions/7eab7e90c6b7e66f23faaac7cbfd40d8c9c93726/review HTTP/1.1" 403 46 - "Apache-HttpClient/4.5.2 (Java/1.8.0_77)"

I've tested to see if theres any querky goings on with the API and have had success reporting "+1 Verify" using the URL from the Gerrit logs:

curl -v -X POST -d '{"reviewer":"srv_devops_jenkins","labels":{"Verified":"+1"}}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" --user "srv_devops_jenkins:***" --digest

The Gerrit Trigger is configured to support RESTClient requests, I've ensured the following:

The only way I've been successful is to disable the "REST API" and have requests made over the SSH connection, the only downside is that we need to issue +1's on custom labels which to the best of my knowledge aren't supported over SSH through the Gerrit-Trigger.

Jenkins: 2.48
Gerrit-Trigger: 2.23.0
Gerrit: 2.12

Thanks for any help you can provide.


  • In short this is a Gerrit permission issue for the Jenkins user.

    The Gerrit trigger when submitting requests over the RESTAPI was including both "Verify" & "Code Review" votes. Now our Jenkins user only had the Verify permission, so any "Code Review" modification was forbidden (explains the 403 response code).

    Now as a solution it wasn't practical to simply give the Jenkins user "Code Review" permissions. Instead theres an option to configure the Gerrit vote settings within the Jenkins Job:

    "Gerrit Trigger" > click "Advanced..." > "Gerrit Reporting Values"

    Under the "Verify" heading, adding "1" for successful, while ensuring all other fields are blank allows the RESTAPI to only send the verify +1 vote after the build.