
XML Spreadsheets won't wrap text

I'm using XML Spreadsheets and cannot get the text to wrap

<Cell  ss:StyleID="bordercenter"><Data ss:Type="String"><divstyle="white-space: normal;"> value="Period &#10; <br/>Totals</div></Data></Cell>

When I added "white-space: normal;" it will generate the line break, but doesn't wrap the text until I enable editing and click on the column. Any ideas?


  • Apparently, the wrap Text attribute in the Style ID works

    <Style ss:ID="bordercenter">
                    <Font ss:Size="10" ss:Bold="1"/>
                    <Alignment ss:Horizontal="Center"  ss:WrapText="1"/>
                       <Border ss:Position="Bottom" ss:LineStyle="Continuous" ss:Weight="1"/>
                       <Border ss:Position="Left" ss:LineStyle="Continuous" ss:Weight="1"/>
                       <Border ss:Position="Right" ss:LineStyle="Continuous" ss:Weight="1"/>
                       <Border ss:Position="Top" ss:LineStyle="Continuous" ss:Weight="1"/>

    Adding the ss:WrapText="1" in the alignment made it work perfectly.