I am using 1.0.1 version of Dandelion-Thymeleaf. Below is the definition of my Dandelion Datatable. In the table there are 3 fixed columns, followed by some columns which are added at page render.
<table class="reportTable" dt:table="true" dt:pageable="false" dt:filterable="false" dt:processing="false" dt:serverside="false">
<th>No of calls</th>
<th:block th:each="sb : ${timePeriodColumns}">
<th th:text="${sb}">x</th>
<tr th:each="sb : ${monthCallsByTimePeriod}">
<td th:text="${sb.day}">x</td>
<td th:text="${sb.numberOfCallsPerDay}">x</td>
<td th:text="${sb.callDurationPerDayInMinutes}">x</td>
<th:block th:each="tp : ${sb.dataForTimePeriod}">
<td th:text="${tp.numberOfCalls}">x</td>
<td th:text="${tp.callDurationInMinutes}">x</td>
Table renders fine as HTML, but when Dandelion tries to apply Datatable I get javascript error TypeError: col is undefined
in jquery.dataTables.js
, where I can see it iterates through columns of table and while debugging I can see that there are only 3 fixed columns in oSettings.aoColumns. So as it is processing data from TBODY
when it encounters the first dynamically added column the error happens as Datatable does not "know" the non-fixed column.
If I omit the TBODY
part (so only THEAD
part of table renders) the error does not happen, but I can see that fixed columns have Datatable's sorting controls but non-fixed columns do not have these controls, as if they are excluded. But looking at the HTML source I cannot see the difference between these columns:
<th>No of calls</th>
<th>Added col1</th>
<th>Added col2</th>
What am I doing wrong? How can I add some columns to Dandelion Datatable at render time?
As a workaround I have added first three columns to timePeriodColumns
List and left it to Thymeleaf to render all columns in <th th:each ...>
<th th:each="sb : ${timePeriodColumns}" th:text="${sb}">x</th>
I suspect there is a problem with using <th:block ...>
, but I could not prove it. Anyway this solved my problem.