I'm trying to download a SharePoint file from the MS Graph /drive/items/xxxx
API endpoint. The link I have is in the format https://company-my.sharepoint.com/personal/drive_name/_layouts/15/WopiFrame.aspx?sourcedoc=%7B<GUID>%7D
, but the graph API needs some other OneDrive file ID to successfully fetch file metadata.
I have the correct permission scopes, and if I enumerate drive contents I can see the file there.
Is there any way to convert the sourcedoc
guid into what is required by the API, or alternatively get file metadata by SharePoint guid?
what you're after is the Shares API. Given a URL like the one you used in your example you need to convert it to a share id
value using this algorithm.
So for your example the id be:
With this value you can then query the item's metadata using: