
Replace Particular XML tag with NULL value in Oracle SQL

I have columns as VALUE in DUMMY table with type XMLTYPE. It contains:

  <?xml version="1.0"?>

I need to replace it with NULL for 802 value tag. The output should be :

  <?xml version="1.0"?>

802 value tag should be removed with NULL.

I tried UpdateXML():

  update Dummy set VALUE=updatexml(VALUE,'ROWSET/Value/Data/text()','');

But it will update only 802 value with null.

2nd Approach: update Dummy set Value=updatexml(Value,'ROWSET','');

But it will delete everything inside ROWSET tag.Then,It will contain only :

<?xml version="1.0"?>

I tried Replace() too.

     update Dummy set emps=replace('

Then it will remove other values from VALUE column and remain only the mentioned tag in replace().

After this replace(), It contains :


Please suggest me on this.


  • You need

    Let's test our XPath first

    with input$ as (
        select --+ no_merge
            xmltype(q'{<?xml version="1.0"?>
          </ROWSET>}') as xx
        from dual
        xmlserialize(document X.xx indent) as original,
            deletexml(X.xx, '/ROWSET/Value[normalize-space(Data)="802"]')
        ) as with_802_removed
    from input$ X;

    ... yields...

    ORIGINAL               WITH_802_REMOVED
    ---------------------- ----------------------
    <?xml version="1.0"?>  <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <ROWSET>               <ROWSET>
      <Value>                <Value>
        <Data>802              <Data>902
             </Data>                 </Data>
      </Value>               </Value>
      <Value>              </ROWSET>

    Note: The xmlserialize() function is used here only for pretty-printing.

    Now your update

    update Dummy X
    set X.value = deletexml(X.value, '/ROWSET/Value[normalize-space(Data)="802"]');

    Note for Oracle 12c: There should be a more elegant solution to this using XQuery, but I was not able to get a full grasp on the XQuery language yet, hence I present you the deleteXml() solution only.