
Publishing Typescript 2.3 Modules to NPM for Angular 4 Consumption

There are related instructions in Writing NPM modules in Typescript , however it's dated and there are now a lot of different answers which may or may not work for Angular. There's also a very good presentation by Jason Aden on youtube on how to publish Angular Components, but in this case I'm only interested in publishing vanilla typescript classes.


  • I finished a prototype for testing this out. I used code from this article - creating npm modules written in typescript and the rollup suggestion from Jason Aden's Packaging Angular Presentation.

    Note that the tsconfig-cjs.json part of this is there so that in addition to supporting webpack and Angular, we also support commonjs + es5 workflows.

    Github Repository

    TS Module Producer Project


    Project Setup

    Initialize the Project (The TS Module Producer)
    mkdir tsmproducer
    cd tsmproducer
    # Initialize the project's package.json
    npm init -y

    Replace package.json:

          "name": "tsmproducer",
          "version": "1.0.0",
          "description": "Example typescript npm project supporting es6 modules via the module package.json attribute as well as commonjs",
          "main": "target/main/cjs/index.js",
          "types": "target/main/esm/index.d.ts",
          "module": "target/main/esm/fesm.js",
          "scripts": {
            "build-cjs": "rm -rf target/main/cjs && tsc -p tsconfig-cjs.json",
            "build-esm": "rm -rf target/main/esm && tsc -p tsconfig-esm.json && rollup target/main/esm/index.js -o target/main/esm/fesm.js",
            "build-all": "npm run build-cjs && npm run build-esm"
          "keywords": [
          "author": "Ole Ersoy",
          "license": "MIT",
          "devDependencies": {
            "rollup": "^0.41.6",
            "typescript": "^2.3.4"

    Download dependencies

    npm i
    npm i -g rollup
    npm i -g typescript    
    # Make typescript source directory
    mkdir -p src/main/ts

    Create typescript compiler settings for es6 and commonjs

    # tsconfig-esm.json
            "compilerOptions": {
                "declaration": true,
                "module": "es2015",
                "target": "es5",
                "rootDir": "src/main/ts",
                "outDir": "target/main/esm"
            "exclude": [
    # tsconfig-cjs.json
          "compilerOptions": {
              "module": "commonjs",
              "target": "es5",
              "rootDir": "src/main/ts",
              "outDir": "target/main/cjs"
          "exclude": [

    Create typescript test exports:

    # src/main/ts/printSubtract.ts
        export function printSubtract(...numbers: number[]) {
            console.log(`Subtracting the numbers: ${numbers.join(', ')}`);
    # src/main/ts/printAdd.ts
        export function printAdd(...numbers: number[]) {
            console.log(`Adding the numbers: ${numbers.join(', ')}`);
    # src/main/ts/index.ts
        export * from './printAdd';
        export * from './printSubtract';


    npm run build-all

    Create a consumer project

    mkdir tsmconsumer (TS Module Consumer)
    cd tsmconsumer
    npm init -y
    npm i ../tsmproducer

    Create a module consumer

    touch index.ts

    In index.ts try the following:

        import {printAdd, printSubtract} from 'tsmproducer';
        printAdd(1, 2);
        printSubtract(2, 1);
