I'm trying to create a crawler job in ManifoldCF 2.7.1, I create the elastic output everything is fine, create the SharePoint repository and everything is fine. Now when I'm creating a job and I add the elastic output I cannot see the elasticsearch tab, just Name, Connections Scheduling Paths, Security, and Metadata. Then I run the job and the crawler gets and processes some documents, but at the end, there is nothing in Elasticsearch. If you have any ideas, please ...
By the way, I try with elasticsearch 1.2.1,1.7.0,5.2.0 and 5.4.0
and SharePoint 2010 and 2013, and same results.
Latest release (Apache ManifoldCF Plugin for SharePoint 2013, version 0.1, 2014 Jul 28). Fix the path to the tools "14" to 15