
Why phpspec can not find classes?

I use PHPSPEC 3.4.0.When I run phpsec with

vendor/bin/phpspec run

I get this error:

class Eastsea\Service\FileStorage\DuplicateFileStorage does not exist.

Here is my composer.json file about autoload section:

"autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
        "App\\": "app/"
    "psr-0": {
        "EastSea\\": "src/"

And here is my folder tree:

`-- EastSea
    `-- Service
        `-- FileStorage
            |-- DuplicateFile.php
            |-- DuplicateFileStorage.php
            `-- Result.php



namespace EastSea\Service\FileStorage;

class DuplicateFileStorage
    public function validate()
        // TODO: write logic here

    public function storage()
        // TODO: write logic here

    public function handle(DuplicateFile $file)



namespace spec\Eastsea\Service\FileStorage;

use \EastSea\Service\FileStorage\DuplicateFileStorage;
use \EastSea\Service\FileStorage\Result;
use PhpSpec\ObjectBehavior;
use Prophecy\Argument;

class DuplicateFileStorageSpec extends ObjectBehavior
    function it_is_initializable()



  • Try with this:

    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "App\\": "app/",
            "": "src/"

    And obviously run composer dump-autoload after your composer.json's update.