How can I set the flag echo=False by default to all code, when precessing a python-script file with pweave.
Minimal example:
#' # Minimal example.
#' This is a minimal example, which
#' says 'hello' to you.
#+ echo=False
#' The end.
Which gets processed by
# either: py to html
# or: py to markdown
pweave -f pandoc
Include the following lines at the very beginning of your document: 1.set the echo false for the first code chunk and then change it to false for every other code chunk. 2.You can have a look in the documentation
#+ echo = False
import pweave
pweave.rcParams["chunk"]["defaultoptions"].update({'echo' : False,
'f_pos' : "h!"})
Following the documentation you can also change other parameters, I have picked 'f_pos' from documentation.