I've found similar question name, but it is a little different.
Office365 UI interface can provide recurring rule where repeat: monthly On second weekday
or repeat: monthly On third weekend day
How I could represent second weekday
and third weekend day
using RFC 5545?
monthly on second weekday:
This rule expands to every weekday of each month, but in the end selects only the 2nd day of the set.
See the expanded result: http://recurrence-expansion-service.appspot.com/reaas?dtstart=20170602T000000&rrule=FREQ%3DMONTHLY%3BBYDAY%3DMO%2CTU%2CWE%2CTH%2CFR%3BBYSETPOS%3D2&skip=&max_instances=100&expansion_window_end=21000101T000000&strict=1
monthly on third weekend day
This rule expands to every weekend day of each month, but in the end selects only the 3rd result of the set.
See the expanded result: http://recurrence-expansion-service.appspot.com/reaas?dtstart=20170610T000000&rrule=FREQ%3DMONTHLY%3BBYDAY%3DSA%2CSU%3BBYSETPOS%3D3&skip=&max_instances=100&expansion_window_end=21000101T000000&strict=1