
How much time does it take to get from the end of a for loop back to the beginning on an msp430?

I am asking this because the code below is what I'm using to make the 2 two leds perfectly alternate their flashing. But it doesn't really make sense as to why this works. This loop with 2 xor's has 2 states one with pin1(red lit only) active and another with both pin 6 and pin 1 active(both red and green lit). But the lights flash like they are alternating on and off perfectly between each other.

#include <msp430g2553.h> 

// counter as a global variable
unsigned int i = 0;  

void main(void) 
    // stop the watchdog timer

    // set the direction register for LED1 and LED2
    P1DIR |= 0x41;  

    // initialize LED1 and LED2 to off
    P1OUT &= 0xBE;  

    //empty for loop is an infinite loop
    for (;;) 
        P1OUT ^= 0x01;

        // create a delay between toggles
        for(i=0; i< 20000; i++)  
            // empty statement, do nothing

        P1OUT ^= 0x40;

Is it possible the delay for the main for loop is causing this illusion?


  • The answer is that it is VERY FAST to get back to the start of the loop.

    This code looks like it should alternate the LEDs to me. Your comments look like they're badly lined up though.

    The main part of it is in your loop. You start out with both LEDs off. Then do this (I've changed the comments to what I think they do):

    for (;;) {                   //  infinite loop
        P1OUT ^= 0x01;           // toggle state of LED1
        for(i=0; i< 20000; i++)  // create a delay 
        P1OUT ^= 0x40;           // toggle state of LED2

    So what that does, flattening out the loop is:

                          LED1          LED2
                          off           off
    start into loop
    Toggle LED1           on            off
    Toggle LED2           on            on    { go back to start of loop - quickly }
    Toggle LED1           off           on 
    Toggle LED2           off           off 
    Toggle LED1           on            off