
How to assign the output of a program to a variable in a DCL com script on VMS?

For example, I have a perl script p.pl that writes "5" to stdout. I'd like to assign that output to a variable like so:

$ x = perl p.pl ! not working code
$ ! now x would be 5


  • The PIPE command allows you to do Unix-ish pipelining, but DCL is not bash. Getting the output assigned to a symbol is tricky. Each PIPE segment runs in a separate subprocess (like Unix) and there's no way to return a symbol from a subprocess. AFAIK, there's no bash equivalent of assigning stdout to a variable.

    The typical approach is to write (redirect) the output to a file and then read it back:

     $ PIPE perl p.pl > temp.txt 
     $ open t temp.txt
     $ read t x
     $ close t

    Another approach is to assign the return value as a JOB logical which is shared by all subprocesses. This can be done as a one-liner using PIPE:

     $ x = f$logical("RET_VALUE")

    Since the "RET_VALUE" is shared by all processes in the job, you have to be careful of side-effects.