
Passing options to rackup via a Sinatra application

I'm new to ruby, learning Sinatra. While creating a Sinatra site by requiring 'sinatra' and setting up the routes directly under is pretty easy and rather well documented, creating an application by requiring 'sinatra/base' and writing a class that inherits from 'Sinatra::Base', while still relatively easy, is very poorly documented (maybe because it's a pretty recent feature of Sinatra).

And that's exactly what I am doing. I am not having too much trouble on the Sinatra part, however I am having a bit of trouble on the rackup/thin/server part. Apparently there are two ways to deploy the application: using Sinatra itself (using the run! method) and using a rackup file (typically

Using Sinatra's run! method is extremely intuitive and works like a charm, but apparently it doesn't work if I want to deploy my app on heroku. As a matter of fact, almost all the Sinatra apps that I have encountered on GitHub use a file.

Using a rackup file might be equally intuitive, but I can't manage to understand how to pass options from the Sinatra app to the server (ir: the port). I tried to merge options to rackup's default options array:

  :run  => false,
  :env  => :production,
  :port => 4567

run MyApp::App

by adding options directly to the app:

MyApp::App.set :port, 4567
MyApp::App.set :run, false
MyApp::App.set :env, :production

run MyApp::App

by setting options from within the application class:

module MyApp
  class App < Sinatra::Base
    set :port, 4567
    set :run, false
    set :env, :production

    # ...

  require 'app'

  run MyApp::App

All the methods above failed, either by showing error messages or by just not taking any of the options into consideration. So is there any way to pass options to rackup/thin/the sever via a Sinatra app when using a rackup file? Or the options in questions should be passed directly to rackup/thin/the sever via command-line options?

As a reference to the problem, here is the little Sinatra application I am building:


  • You're actully going to pass options to thin on the command line directly or via a configuration file. See all options:

    $ thin -h

    For production, use a configuration file:

    $ thin -C thin-production.yml -R start

    Here is an example thin-production.yml file:

    address: localhost
    port: 3020
    servers: 4
    max_conns: 1024
    max_persistent_conns: 512
    timeout: 30
    environment: production
    pid: tmp/pids/
    log: log/thin-production.log
    daemonize: true