
Swagger UI with Tynamo Resteasy for Tapestry 5.4

I am using tynamo resteasy with my Tapestry 5.4 project. I'd like to incorporate Swagger to document and share API with other other teams. While I see that swagger is already in RestEasy's project dependency, it does not work "out of the box"

I've added

@Api to the "Resource" class (located in /rest/ package) and @ApiOperation to the GET method

Do I need to change AppModule or web.xml in anyway to hook the swagger UI? Is there an example (github etc.) anywhere that I can follow?

Also, will the swagger api be available at localhost/swagger/myendpoint?


  • Here's a step by step process:

    Get swagger-jaxrs: https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/io.swagger/swagger-jaxrs/1.5.0

    Create a SwaggerModule.java in "modules" directory (example: com.mysite.mypkg.modules)

    public class SwaggerModule {
      public static void provideSymbols(MappedConfiguration<String, Object> configuration) {
        configuration.add(ResteasySymbols.CORS_ENABLED, true);
      public static void contributeApplication(Configuration<Object> singletons) {
      public static void swagger(javax.ws.rs.core.Application application,
          BaseURLSource baseURLSource,
          @Symbol(InternalConstants.TAPESTRY_APP_PACKAGE_PARAM) String basePackage,
          @Symbol(ResteasySymbols.MAPPING_PREFIX) String restPath,
          @Symbol(SymbolConstants.APPLICATION_VERSION) String version) {
        BeanConfig config = new BeanConfig();
        config.setSchemes(new String[]{"http"});
        config.setBasePath("/mysite" + restPath);
        config.setTitle("Mysite Rest Documentation");
        config.setResourcePackage("com.mysite.mypkg.rest");//where your rest resources are located

    On your AppModule.java, import the SwaggerModule (Tapestry 5.4)

    public class AppModule {...

    The swagger.json and swagger.yaml can now be accessed as:


    Many thanks to @ascandroli above for pointing out the basics