I am running JRuby rails. I am trying to access all the commit information (such as commit comments, committer, time of commit), given a github repositiry url for a file using mbleigh-ruby-github ruby gem. When initializing to the github namesapce, I am getting the following error: "uninitialized constant CommitsController::GitHub"
In my controller, I have the following line
user = GitHub::API.user('mbleigh')
In gem file I have the following line
source 'http://gems.github.com'
gem 'mbleigh-ruby-github'
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
uninitialized constant CommitsController::GitHub
According to the README you should have require 'ruby-github'
in your commits_controller
which should solve the error.
require 'ruby-github'
user = GitHub::API.user('mbleigh')