
Prevent express body-parser from removing body prior to request.pipe

I am trying to create a simple express middleware filter which should look at the POST body and determine if it should be piped to the correct server, or blocked. If I use body-parser it appears that I do get the req.body available to me, but it disappears from the request when I pipe the request to another external server.

The way I have tried to solve this is the following:

        urlHelper.bodyParser,             //Without these two, everything pipes correctly
        urlHelper.filterBasedOnSomething, //Without these two, everything pipes correctly

In urlHelper:

const filterBasedOnSomething = function (req, res, next) {
        if (req.body
            && req.body.something === 'some string'
            && req.body.somethingElse === 'some other value') {
            return res.status(403).send("You shall not pass");
        } else {
const pipeToTrustedZone = function (req, res) {
        //Here we are figuring out the correct forwarding url. This is simplified a little for the question, but it is well tested and works.
        var url = getProxiedPath(req.baseUrl) + req.originalUrl;
        req.pipe(request({ qs: req.query, uri: url }).on('error', function (err) {
            return res.sendStatus(400);

module.exports = {
  bodyParser: require('body-parser').json(),
  filterBasedOnSomething: filterBasedOnSomething,
  pipeToTrustedZone: pipeToTrustedZone,

This seem to give me the req.body in my filter-method, but the body is consumed and is not received after it has been piped forward. I have tried multiple things, like req.emit('data', JSON.stringify(req.body)); and req.write(.., but it all seem to fail.

Is there a way for me to look at the request body before piping it further without deleting it? Or is there an inherit problem with my approach?

I have found multiple github issues and SO questions relating to this, but I haven't been successful in getting any of those approaches to work.:

Writing express middleware to get raw request body before body-parser


  • Is there a way for me to look at the request body before piping it further without deleting it? Or is there an inherit problem with my approach?

    The inherent problem is that you want to read a stream first and then pipe it - even though the stream has already been read and it's gone.

    What you need to do is to either cache the stream while it is read so that it can be piped later or to reconstruct the body from the output of body-parser.

    But you cannot rewind a stream and start reading it once again because it would mean recording all of the stream events in memory and the usual advantage of using streams is that you don't need to record everything in memory, you just process one data event at a time.

    If the decision of whether or not you want to pipe the stream can be based on the data outside of the body - like a path or some headers etc. - then you can use the body-parser middleware only for those cases that are not piped.

    But if the decision is based on the actual contents of the body as is the case in your example then you have no choice but to read it first - at which point it cannot be read again.

    There are few modules that could help you with that:

    but you may be better off by reconstructing the body from the parsed output of body-parser with something like:

    request({ qs: req.query, uri: url, body: req.body, json: true })

    and piping only the response.