I have finished setting up a test Kubernets host running on a bare metal Centos 7. This will be used as a test system as we will be deploying everything in IBM Bluemix Kubernetes service.
Getting the configuration from Bluemix is easy... and while our Kubernetes on Centos works OK I don't know how to generate the configuration to access it from our workstations. It is explained at https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/share-configuration/
but I am new to setting up a Kubernetes host... and have no idea where that
$ cluster/kube-up.sh
command is... or which package to install to get it.
Thanks for any guide on this.
You can try option see, copy admin.conf file to your workstation, then run
kubectl --kubeconfig=./admin.conf proxy -p 80
after this your can access your dashboard from workstation http://localhost/ui