I'm trying to implement chain http request that will be repeated X times and stop when there is no response from last request.
How it should work.
For example first I call
and response is:
than I call
and on skip 20 response is
"message" : "You reach the end"
I need to stop there. But I have to repeat requests when I'm getting "skip" in response and repeat them on the way that I add skip into next request.
Based on the description it sounds like you actually mean to "paginate" the same query rather than chaining several dependent queries. For that you can use expand
// Start with skip
Observable.of({skip: 0})
// Feeds the response resulting stream back into this function
.expand((response) => {
// Continue expanding if there is a skip parameter
if (response.skip >= 0)
return this.http.get(`http://example.com/?skip=${skip}`);
// Stop expanding if there is no more data
return Observable.empty();
}, 1 /* Limit the number of consecutive queries*/);