
Wikitude Passing value from java to JavaScript to use it in AR.RelativeLocation

I passed an integer from java to javascript, and now I want to use the value to change the altitude of an object.

I added a to RelativeLoction var location = new AR.RelativeLocation(null, 8, 0, a);

The problem is it ignores the value that I passed which is 10 and take a as 0. I know that the value passed correctly from this var e = document.getElementById('loadingMessage').innerHTML = "Altitude: " + a; which shows Altitude: 10.

Javascript code:

var World = {
    loaded: false,
    rotating: false,

    init: function initFn() {

    createModelAtLocation: function createModelAtLocationFn() {

            First a location where the model should be displayed will be defined. This location will be relativ to the user.
        var location = new AR.RelativeLocation(null, 8, 0, a);

            Next the model object is loaded.
        var modelArrow = new AR.Model("assets/arrow.wt3", {
                    onLoaded: this.worldLoaded,
                    scale: {
                        x: 0.005,
                        y: 0.005,
                        z: 0.003
                    rotate: {
                                    x: 0.0,
                                    y: 90.0,
                                    z: 0.0
                                  translate: {
                                      x: 0,
                                      y: 0,
                                      z: 0


        var indicatorImage = new AR.ImageResource("assets/indi.png");

        var indicatorDrawable = new AR.ImageDrawable(indicatorImage, 0.1, {
            verticalAnchor: AR.CONST.VERTICAL_ANCHOR.TOP

            Putting it all together the location and 3D model is added to an AR.GeoObject.
        var obj = new AR.GeoObject(location, {
            drawables: {
               cam: [modelArrow],
               indicator: [indicatorDrawable]

    worldLoaded: function worldLoadedFn() {
        World.loaded = true;
        var e = document.getElementById('loadingMessage').innerHTML = "Altitude: " + a;

    var a = 0;
    var altitude = 0;

       function setAltitude(altitude){
               a = altitude;


Edit after Alex's answer:

Now the object and the altitude are not showing not sure if I'm missing something

var World = {
    location: null,
    loaded: false,
    rotating: false,

    init: function initFn() {

    createModelAtLocation: function createModelAtLocationFn() {


            First a location where the model should be displayed will be defined. This location will be relativ to the user.
        //var location = new AR.RelativeLocation(null, 8, 0, a);
        World.location = new AR.RelativeLocation(null, 8, 0, a);

            Next the model object is loaded.
        var modelArrow = new AR.Model("assets/arrow.wt3", {
                    onLoaded: this.worldLoaded,
                    scale: {
                        x: 0.005,
                        y: 0.005,
                        z: 0.003
                    rotate: {
                                    x: 0.0,
                                    y: 90.0,
                                    z: 0.0
                                  translate: {
                                      x: 0,
                                      y: 0,
                                      z: 0


        var indicatorImage = new AR.ImageResource("assets/indi.png");

        var indicatorDrawable = new AR.ImageDrawable(indicatorImage, 0.1, {
            verticalAnchor: AR.CONST.VERTICAL_ANCHOR.TOP

            Putting it all together the location and 3D model is added to an AR.GeoObject.
        var obj = new AR.GeoObject(location, {
            drawables: {
               cam: [modelArrow],
               indicator: [indicatorDrawable]

    worldLoaded: function worldLoadedFn() {
        World.loaded = true;
        var e = document.getElementById('loadingMessage').innerHTML = "Altitude: " + a;
    var a = 0;
    var altitude = 0;

       function setAltitude(altitude){
               //a = altitude;
               //World.location.altitudeDelta  = altitude;
               World.location.a = altitude;



  • I managed to fix the problem here is the answer if anyone is interested

    var World = {
        //location: null,
        loaded: false,
        rotating: false,
        loadValuesFromJava: function loadValuesFromJavaFn(Altitude){
            a = Altitude;
        /*init: function initFn() {
        createModelAtLocation: function createModelAtLocationFn() {
                First a location where the model should be displayed will be defined. This location will be relativ to the user.
            var location = new AR.RelativeLocation(null, 8, 0, a);
            //World.location = new AR.RelativeLocation(null, 8, 0, a);
                Next the model object is loaded.
            var modelArrow = new AR.Model("assets/arrow.wt3", {
                        onLoaded: this.worldLoaded,
                        scale: {
                            x: 0.005,
                            y: 0.005,
                            z: 0.003
                        rotate: {
                                        x: 0.0,
                                        y: 90.0,
                                        z: 0.0
                                      translate: {
                                          x: 0,
                                          y: 0,
                                          z: 0
            var indicatorImage = new AR.ImageResource("assets/indi.png");
            var indicatorDrawable = new AR.ImageDrawable(indicatorImage, 0.1, {
                verticalAnchor: AR.CONST.VERTICAL_ANCHOR.TOP
                Putting it all together the location and 3D model is added to an AR.GeoObject.
            var obj = new AR.GeoObject(location, {
                drawables: {
                   cam: [modelArrow],
                   indicator: [indicatorDrawable]
        worldLoaded: function worldLoadedFn() {
            World.loaded = true;
            var e = document.getElementById('loadingMessage').innerHTML = "Altitude: " + a;
    var a = 0;
    var Altitude = 0;
        /*var a = 0;
        var altitude = 0;
          function setAltitude(altitude){
                   a = altitude;
                   //World.location.altitudeDelta  = altitude;
                   //World.location.altitudeDelta = altitude;