
SendMessage send attachment that is locked

I am using a standard SendMessage command to send an email in a PowerShell script. I want to attach a log file but unfortunatly the log file is locked by a parent script.

Is there a way to send the file anyways as an attachment (I don't want to delete it or write it)?

I know I can read the file with Get-Content, should I pipe this output to a new temporary file that is then attached? If that would work how would I go about doing this.


  • Copy-Item should work if you can read the content with Get-Content.

    Copy it as a temporary file, send it, then delete it.

    Copy-Item C:\My_log.log $env:TEMP

    PowerShell 2.0 and above

    Send-MailMessage -Attachments $env:TEMP\My_log.log .......

    PowerShell 1.0 -> PowerShell Send Email

    Remove-Item $env:TEMP\My_log.log