
Call function in controller from eventlistener in .run

Using Ionic v1, I am trying to call a function in my controller when an event listener in my fires. The event is created by a Cordova (Phonegap) plugin that detects changes in the headphone jack.

I must be doing something wrong because I can't find a solution that works. Here is my example:

(function() {
 var app = angular.module('mymodule', ['ionic']);$ionicPlatform) {
        $ionicPlatform.ready(function() {
                /*Monitor for changes in the headphone jack*/
                document.addEventListener('deviceready', function() {
                    // *HERE* is where I want to call or somehow trigger 
                        an action in my controller
                }, false);

When the headphone jack is sensed I am trying to close an ionic popup created in my controller.


  • You are defining your events from .run part of your angular application.

    Therefore; to communicate with a controller; you need to use : - a global variable ($rootScope) on your app that is watched in your controller : this is an ugly solution; that I do not recommand - Broadcast / on an event in your app: this is the clean solution

    You need ; when you detect the event to broadcast to your app the news :


    Within your controller; you have juste now to catch the event :

    $scope.$on('headphones-Updated', function(event, args) {

    Another solution would have to set your event listener right in the controller