Does any one in 2017 knows how to implement calling HtmlHelp function that will open .chm file with "Search" pane and query string in it's listbox and will be able to execute this query?
I try following:
query.cbStruct = sizeof(HH_FTS_QUERY);
query.fUniCodeStrings = TRUE;
query.pszSearchQuery = szSearchStr;
query.iProximity = HH_FTS_DEFAULT_PROXIMITY;
query.fStemmedSearch = TRUE;
query.fTitleOnly = TRUE;
query.fExecute = TRUE;
query.pszWindow = NULL;
HWND hHelpWnd = ::HtmlHelp(m_hWnd, szFile, HH_DISPLAY_SEARCH, (DWORD_PTR)&query);
but the query in query.pszSearchQuery won't be executed. I have opened .chm file with query.pszSearchQuery in "Search" pane's listbox on my screen, but I have to click "List Topics" myself to show results of search.
With the help of HTMLHelp API - VBA, VB6 and VB2003, i will try to reply. I believe there no API function to list topics in vc++. You have send button click event to launched help window.
LRESULT OnSearch(WORD /*wNotifyCode*/, WORD wID, HWND /*hWndCtl*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/)
TCHAR szBuf[128];
GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT1).GetWindowText(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf));
if (!_tcslen(szBuf))
return 0;
// First, invoke HtmlHelp with HH_DISPLAY_SEARCH.
// It doesn't execute search, but it's need for showing 'search' tab.
ZeroMemory(&fq, sizeof(fq));
fq.cbStruct = sizeof(fq);
fq.fUniCodeStrings = FALSE;
fq.pszSearchQuery = (LPCTSTR)szBuf;
fq.fStemmedSearch = FALSE;
fq.fTitleOnly = FALSE;
fq.fExecute = FALSE;
fq.pszWindow = NULL;
HWND hwndHelp = ::HtmlHelp(NULL, _T("realplay.chm"), HH_DISPLAY_SEARCH, (DWORD)&fq);
// Find query combobox and set query text.
HWND hPaneWnd, hPaneLast, hTabWnd, hDlgWnd, hCtlWnd;
hPaneWnd = FindWindowEx(hwndHelp, NULL, _T("HH Child"), NULL);
for (;;) // last HH Child
hPaneLast = FindWindowEx(hwndHelp, hPaneWnd, _T("HH Child"), NULL); // last HH Child
if (!hPaneLast)
hPaneWnd = hPaneLast;
ATLTRACE("hPaneWnd == %x", hPaneWnd);
hCtlWnd = FindWindowEx(hPaneWnd, NULL, _T("Button"), NULL); // skip Tab Control
// There are two types of interfaces:
// 1.
// Window hierarchy:
// + Main window
// + HH Child
// + Browser ...
// + HH Child <- second "HH Child" window
// - Edit <- we have to fill this edit
// - Buttons <- and press this buttons
// ...
if (hCtlWnd)
hCtlWnd = FindWindowEx(hPaneWnd, NULL, _T("Edit"), NULL); // skip Tab Control
// Set window text
::SendMessage(hCtlWnd, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)szBuf); // fill it by our query
::SendMessage(hwndHelp, WM_COMMAND, 0xbc7, 0); // 0x3ee -- 'List Topics' button, it runs search
if (::SendMessage(GetDlgItem(IDC_CHECK1), BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0) == BST_CHECKED)
::SendMessage(hwndHelp, WM_COMMAND, 0xbbe, 0); // 0x3f1 -- 'Display' button, it shows first item
// Window hierarchy:
// + Main window
// + HH Child
// + Browser ...
// + HH Child <- second "HH Child" window
// + Tab Control
// + Dialog
// - Combobox <- we have to fill this combo
// - Buttons <- and press this buttons
// ...
hTabWnd = FindWindowEx(hPaneWnd, NULL, _T("SysTabControl32"), NULL); // skip Tab Control
hDlgWnd = FindWindowEx(hTabWnd, NULL, NULL, NULL); // skip dialog
TCHAR szClass[64];
GetClassName(hDlgWnd, szClass, sizeof(szClass));
ATLTRACE("hDlgWnd(1) == %x", hDlgWnd);
if (!_tcsstr(szClass, "#")) // Is it dialog?
hDlgWnd = FindWindowEx(hTabWnd, hDlgWnd, NULL, NULL); // skip dialog
hCtlWnd = FindWindowEx(hDlgWnd, NULL, _T("ComboBox"), NULL); // well, it's combobox
// Set window text
::SendMessage(hCtlWnd, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)szBuf); // fill it by our query
// Run search and show first finded page
::SendMessage(hwndHelp, WM_COMMAND, 0x3ee, 0); // 0x3ee -- 'List Topics' button, it runs search
if (::SendMessage(GetDlgItem(IDC_CHECK1), BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0) == BST_CHECKED)
::SendMessage(hwndHelp, WM_COMMAND, 0x3f1, 0); // 0x3f1 -- 'Display' button, it shows first item
return 0;