
How to change pip3 command to be pip?

I uninstalled pip, and I installed pip3 instead. Now, I want to use pip3 by typing pip only. The reason is I am used to type pip only and every guide uses the pip command, so every time I want to copy and paste commands, I have to modify pip to pip3 which wastes time. When I type pip I have an error which is pip: command not found which means pip command is not taken. Is it possible to make pip points to pip3?


  • You can use pip3 using the alias pip by adding alias to your .bashrc file.

    alias pip=pip3

    or by adding a symlink named pip to your $PATH, which points to the pip3 binary.

    If there is no ~/.bashrc in your home directory on macOS, inputting

    alias pip=pip3

    in your ~/.zprofile file has the same effect.