Array ( [0] => 120-1496395352 ) UPDATE SalesOrderLine SET SalesOrderLineItemRefListID='80000002-1496311427', SalesOrderLineQuantity =1, SalesOrderLineRate=200, SalesOrderLineItemRefFullName='Ipad', SalesOrderLineAmount=200, SalesOrderLinedesc='Ipad', CustomerRefListID='80000005-1496311377', RefNumber='9', TxnDate={d'2017-06-30'} WHERE SalesOrderLineTxnLineID='120-1496395352'
INSERT INTO SalesOrderLine ( SalesOrderLineItemRefListID, SalesOrderLineQuantity, SalesOrderLineRate, SalesOrderLineItemRefFullName, SalesOrderLineAmount, SalesOrderLinedesc, CustomerRefListID, RefNumber, TxnDate ) VALUES ( '80000004-1496311430', 2, 5, 'sandwich', 10, 'sandwich description sandwich', '80000005-1496311377', '9', {d'2017-06-30'} )
I want to insert the query to the same txnid but when I put txnid it say field not required in insert
If you want to insert SalesOrderLine item to an existing SalesOrder, then please refer below mentioned link for How to insert SalesOrderLine item to an existing SalesOrder:
How to insert SalesOrderLine item to an existing SalesOrder
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