We're using Optaplanner 7.0.0 Final work bench and KIE Server with the optacloud example on Wildfly 10.0.0.
So far we have deployed a container to a remote execution server and created a solver for that container using the RESTful API.
Solver details as provided by KIE Server are:
<score />
We are receiving a 405 Method Not Allowed response from wildfly with the following URL:
Is this URL structure correct or are we missing anything else?
we are posting the following data:
<planning-problem class="optacloud.optacloud.CloudSolution">
with the following headers:
Content-Type: application/xml
X-KIE-ContentType: xstream
The KIE Server API has changed in 7 series and <solver-instance>
wrapper is no longer required in the submit solution payload.
You need to send a POST to http://${kie-server}/services/rest/server/containers/${container_id}/solvers/${solver_id}/state/solving
where the payload is just a planning problem (solution) object:
<planning-problem class="optacloud.optacloud.CloudSolution">...</planning-problem>
Please see the quickstart https://github.com/kiegroup/kie-docs/blob/master/docs/optaplanner-wb-es-docs/src/main/asciidoc/Workbench/Quickstart/Quickstart-section.adoc#submit-solution containing an example of submitting the planning problem in a new way.
The new API overview:
Register a solver: PUT http://${kie-server}/services/rest/server/containers/${container_id}/solvers/${solver_id}
Submit a solution: POST http://${kie-server}/services/rest/server/containers/${container_id}/solvers/${solver_id}/state/solving
Get the best solution: GET http://${kie-server}/services/rest/server/containers/${container_id}/solvers/${solver_id}/bestsolution
Terminate the solver: POST http://${kie-server}/services/rest/server/containers/${container_id}/solvers/${solver_id}/state/terminating-early
Dispose a solver: DELETE http://${kie-server}/services/rest/server/containers/${container_id}/solvers/${solver_id}