
Bash: Fail to use find -exec

When using scp or rsync I often fail to deal with 'Argument list too long' error. When having to mv or rm, I have no problem to use find and xargs but I fail to understand how to use find and -exec despite all the SE posts on the subject. Consider the following issue...

I tried

$scp /Path/to/B* Me@

-bash: /usr/bin/scp: Argument list too long

So I tried

$find . -name "/Path/to/B*" -exec scp "{}" Me@ '\;'

find: -exec: no terminating ";" or "+"

so I tried

$find . -name "/Path/to/B*" -exec scp "{}" Me@ ';'

find: ./.gnupg: Permission denied
find: ./.subversion/auth: Permission denied

So I tried

$sudo find . -name "/Path/to/B*" -exec scp "{}" Me@ ';'

and nothing happen onces I enter my password

I am on Mac OSX version 10.11.3, Terminal version 2.6.1


  • R. Saban's helpful answer solves your primary problem:

    As for using as few invocations of scp as possible - each of which requires specifying a password by default:

    find . -path "/Path/to/B*" -print0 | xargs -0 -J {} scp {} Me@

    Now you will at most be prompted a few times: one prompt for every batch of arguments, as required to accommodate all arguments while observing the max. command-line length with the fewest number of calls possible.