
How to Set and Read a Cookie w/ http-foundation, JWT, & .ENV

I have a login processing file in which I am attempting to set a cookie:

$expTime = time() + 3600;
$key = getenv("SECRET_KEY");
$token = array(
    "iss" => request()->getBaseUrl(),
    "sub" => [$user['id']],
    "exp" => $expTime,        
    "iat" => time(),
    "nbf" => time(),
    "is_admin" => $user['role_id'] == 1
$jwt = JWT::encode($token, $key);

$accessToken = new Cookie('access_token', $jwt, $expTime, '/', getenv("COOKIE_DOMAIN"));

redirect('/', ['cookies' => [$accessToken]]);

I'm using Firebase/JWT to include a JWT as the cookie value. The SECRET_KEY and COOKIE_DOMAIN are pulled in from my .ENV file.

I then call my redirect()

function redirect($path, $extra = []) {
$response = new Response(
    array('location' => $path)
    if (key_exists('cookies', $extra)) {
        foreach ($extra['cookies'] as $cookie) {

I then test whether or not the cookie has been set in my index file:

if (request()->cookies->has('access_token')) {
    echo "Logged in";
} else echo "No cookie :(";

My problem is that my test is returning "No cookie :(".

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

If you prefer you can fork it on GutHub: jpradcliffe/user-authentication


  • I finally resolved the issue with some help (see comments below). The code as it stands above is correct. The issue was in my .env file.