Say I have this table,
year | name | score
2017 | BRAD | 5
2017 | BOB | 5
2016 | JON | 6
2016 | GUYTA | 2
2015 | PAC | 2
2015 | ZAC | 0
How would I go about averaging the scores by year and then getting the difference between years?
year | increase
2017 | 1
2016 | 3
You should use a window function, lead()
in this case:
select year, avg, (avg - lead(avg) over w)::int as increase
from (
select year, avg(score)::int
from my_table
group by 1
) s
window w as (order by year desc);
year | avg | increase
2017 | 5 | 1
2016 | 4 | 3
2015 | 1 |
(3 rows)