In order to perform some optimizing algorithm, I need a good degree of precision in getting attributes from tcl dc_shell (synopsys Version D-2010.03-SP3). For example
get_attribute CORE65LPLVT/HS65_LL_IVX9 cell_leakage_power
returns me 0.000001 while the actual value was 1.381e-6 (obtained through report_power).
I tried
set report_default_significant_digits 10
but nothing changed. How can I get more significant digits?
The global number of significant digits is set by the command below. The value must be between 0 and 13. Set
command doesn't change the application variables, but set_app_var
set_app_var report_default_significant_digits 10
This variable can be set to its default value later.
set_app_var report_default_significant_digits -default
Most of the reporting commands also accept the following switch.
-significant_digits 10