
How to create a new xml file with Joox

I'm trying to create a new xml with a structure and at the same time add elements via this

String styleName = "myStyle";
String styleKey = "styleKeyValue";

File file = new File("test.xml");        

DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder builder = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
Document document = builder.newDocument();

Match x = $(document)
                .namespace("s", "")
                                $("Attributes", "")
                            ).attr("name", styleName)

Match xpath = x.xpath("//s:Attributes");

xpath = xpath.append($("Attribute", "").attr("key", styleKey));


However .append doesn't seem to add anything and I end up with an empty file.
This approach is based on this SO answer but the "Document document = $(file).document();" line gives me an exception as the file doesn't exist - hence the use of DocumentBuilder.

Of course I realise that I can create new xml file through a host of other means I am trying to stick with Joox based approach at the moment.


  • Working version after feedback from Lucas Eder (Joox "all the way" option)

    // Initial block to create xml structure
    Match x = $("Data",
                        $("Attributes", "")                                            
                     ).attr("name", styleName)
               ).attr("xmlns", "");
    // example xpath into structure to add element attribues
    // as required
    Match xpath = x.xpath("//Attributes");
    xpath = xpath.append($("Attribute", "").attr("key", styleKey));

    Produces the following:

    <Data xmlns="">
            <Style name="myStyle">
                    <Attribute key="styleKeyValue"/>