
Drawing a Polygon and use that as a sprite in cocos2d js

I'm trying to use cocos2d js. While I was working I needed to draw a polygon which I've already done using DrawNode. But now I need to run different actions on that polygon such we run actions on sprites. I was searching for any way to run actions on the polygon but couldn't be able to do so.

Please help if anybody knows how to work with polygons as sprites.


  • You have to apply the actions to the DrawNode that contains the polygon. In this example, I draw a polygon and then I rotate it by 10 degrees each second (pivoting on the default anchor point 0,0).

    var dn = new cc.DrawNode();
    this.addChild(dn, 500);
    dn.drawPoly([cc.p(50,50), cc.p(100, 70), cc.p(110, 100), cc.p(120, 80), cc.p(70, 40)], cc.p(500,500),  cc.color(249,255,115), 100,  cc.color(249,255,115));
            cc.rotateBy(1, 10)