I'm using the fullCalendar Scheduler in an Angular 1.5 application.
I wrapped it into a directive and inside the directive I have a config object with all the properties
var calendarConfig = {
schedulerLicenseKey: '----------------------------',
resources: function (callback) {
resourceColumns: [
labelText: 'Name',
field: 'name'
labelText: 'Id',
field: 'id',
width: "85px"
resourceOrder: "name",
defaultView: "timelineMonth",
resourceLabelText: "Test",
resourceAreaWidth: "17%",
aspectRatio: '100%',
header: {
left: 'reorderBtn',
center: 'title',
right: 'prev next'
customButtons: {
sortName: {
text: 'reorderBtn',
click: function (oEvent) {
---------- how to perform the reordering inside here ? ----
eventClick: eventClick,
dayClick: dayClick,
viewRender: viewRender,
weekNumbers: true,
I noticed that scheduler has a property called "resourceOrder" which works nice at initialization.
My use case is when I press the button I would like to see the resources sorted by the name descending.
I tried to use
$(element).fullCalendar('getView').options.resourceOrder = "-name"
but it does not work.
I can sort the resources outside the directive manually and then reset the sorted resources again as a source, but I would like to avoid this and make use of the nice property "resourceOrder" that scheduler provides.
Any ideas? Or any best-practices on how to sort the resources by one column at a time?
You can set or get fullCalendar options dynamicaly using fullCalendar setters and getters.
In your case:
$('#calendar').fullCalendar('option', 'resourceOrder', '-name');